I took bad memories of Nathan Knorr and the mean people at Bethel and in the congregations that I served in. That was way back in the seventies and I am just talking about it with people on the internet now. I feel like I am returning from some kind of time warp where the people have all changed but the stories are the same. My first semester in college right out of Bethel I was attending college, I felt like I was walking on the moon my whole life a witness and now I was going to college with 'worldly people' and now I got called on to give an extemperaneous speech in front of a class full of students. I thought I would freeze but I got up and enjoyed it. I guess I did take one skill out of the JW's.
Boxed elder bugs
JoinedPosts by Boxed elder bugs
What did you take with you when you left the organization?
by coffee_black inleaving the organization, it is like packing for a journey you can choose what you take with you, and what you leave behind (other than people).
there are things i chose to take with me.
for example, i have used the sales training to my advantage over the years.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-29-06 WT Study (Decisive)
by blondie injehovah used many prophets...to warn...elijah was one such prophet.
jehovah's servants...god's people--only jws.
worshippers of jehovah.
Boxed elder bugs
But Blondie as a pioneer nobody ever offered me a ride in a chariot. I had to stand on a street corner. I admire the scholarly work that went into this article but it's the Sabbath and so I will have to wait until another day to 'work' on a posting.
What were you disfellowshipped for?
by Kristofer ini recently had a discussion with a witness friend (i'm a secret) and she claimed that witnesses only get disfellowshipped for being unrepentant for immoral acts.
i am curious to know from those who have been disfellowshipped, what was it for?
Boxed elder bugs
For having a brain, a heart, and a soul
House of pleasure /House of pain
by Boxed elder bugs infor me brooklyn bethel was a house of pain.
when i arrived they were remodeling the towers hotel which they had just purchased and they put me in a room with four other guys.
then they put me on the night shift in the bindery.
Boxed elder bugs
Hi Steve I just read your reply to my Post. I was at Bethel from 73-74, and I started in the bindery days then went nights and finally went from the scaffold crew to the furniture refinishing shop at the Squibb, where I requested to be transfered out of there due to allergies to the paints and sprays. I was counseled by the elders for having to many different jobs? But I was then transferred to shipping. My name is Joel Hanson. Yes I do kind of like to keep my identity confidential to some extent because my brother is still a local elder and I pretty much have given up that he and I will ever talk, but I feel sorry for my neice she is currently at Bethel last I heard but I never got to know her because my brother and his wife shun me for being out of the Witnesses. Best Wishes Boxed Elder Bugs
House of pleasure /House of pain
by Boxed elder bugs infor me brooklyn bethel was a house of pain.
when i arrived they were remodeling the towers hotel which they had just purchased and they put me in a room with four other guys.
then they put me on the night shift in the bindery.
Boxed elder bugs
I'll have to reconsider my attitude and head for the nearest street corner with a brief case full of magazines, and a heart full of gratitude to the Bethel Big Brothers who planted the seeds of 'Newspeak' into my mind and from whose 'training' I can never escape. Your reply to my comment was very funny. BEB
House of pleasure /House of pain
by Boxed elder bugs infor me brooklyn bethel was a house of pain.
when i arrived they were remodeling the towers hotel which they had just purchased and they put me in a room with four other guys.
then they put me on the night shift in the bindery.
Boxed elder bugs
For me Brooklyn Bethel was a house of pain. When I arrived they were remodeling the Towers Hotel which they had just purchased and they put me in a room with four other guys. Then they put me on the night shift in the bindery. This did not work so well because during the day every day when I tried to sleep their were jack hammers and pounding all day long and finally when the work day was over my roomates returned home from work and turned on all the lights the t.v. and had all their friends over so I never slept for almost a year and started to become disoriented, depressed and more than a little nervous. The street noise also was disturbing, somebody was stabbed to death on the corner of our block and a number of the Bethelites got mugged at night in our neighborhood. You were suppose to carry ten dollars muggers money and if you didn't have it the muggers might beat you up and/or stab you as I heard I heard one Bethelite got knifed in the face. To complain about your health was to be considered to be spirtually weak so I went around dazed and sick for over a year, then you had meetings to attend along with Bethel entrance school and working six days a week, and the Bethel Watchtower studies and other Bethel functions such as the Gilead graduations and invitations to the homes of people in the congregations we attended, I attended a congregation in a neighborhood called Bedford Stuyvestand known for being a fairly high crime area, we were all white brothers attending an all black congregations and even if we were hicks we had to get hip to our surroundings fast. Bethel only provided me with one thin blanket and it was really cold in our rooms, that breeze off the East river in the winter was icy and I am from Minnesota where it gets real cold. Alot of the Governing Body and Bethel big shots drove around in new cars provided by the brothers but nobody cared if we froze at night in our rooms for lack of a blanket. The room itself was full of coakroaches when we first moved in, turn on a light at night and you had plenty of company, I named the biggest coakroaches- Frisky and Lube Jaws, two regular coakroach visitors in the night and I feed them. I once found an abandoned closet with a beautiful anitiques 20's dresser and brought it down to my room, when I opened the drawer it was full or roaches, they eventually cleaned up the Towers Hotel but never quite got rid of them. This is getting to long I'll return to the subject if anyone is intested. Oh the House of Pleasure is here with you on this board. Thanks
My Dad died this evening
by Mulan ini thought i would let you know that my dad, passed away a little while ago, tonight, january 23. they called me at 6pm to tell me.
he had been failing rapidly for the past month, and had completely lost his hearing and was totally blind.
the dementia was extreme too, and he still knew me on thursday, but didn't wake up to know me in the following days.
Boxed elder bugs
My dad is 93 and in an assisted care living home with dementia. Our relationship died when I quit the witnesses in the late 70's. My thoughts and prayers go with you. I can feel your pain.
Question about Zion's Watch Tower
by jwfacts incan anyone tell me the year zion's watch tower was changed to the watchtower, and also why?
Boxed elder bugs
I heard they changed it because of the Kingdom songs, the only thing they could get to rhyme with Zion were lyin and cryin.
A recent Awake that said earth's population would fit in T
by AlmostAtheist ini bumped into a jw at the store the other day.
he doesn't know i'm df'd (apparently) and i didn't decide to enlighten him.
he banged on for a bit about people we both knew, how service was that morning, etc.
Boxed elder bugs
If you went to college your math is probably better than any of the witnesses. I'll go with your figure.
I think I've finally had it! (long)
by lynnmelo insome of you may know that i had regularly been studying with the jw's for about two years, but i was never baptized.
i stumbled on some information about the child molestation scandal a few months ago, and that started me on the road to questioning the organization (for further details on my situation, see my topic history).. anyway, up until now, i had decided to just fade into the background, still attending sunday kh meetings because i want to attend some church, and i just don't know where else to go (don't agree w/ the teachings of the other churches in my vicinity either).
my last "study" w/ my bible study conductor (a month or so ago) was terrible.
Boxed elder bugs
This woman is a fanatic, and you should run away from her like a jew running from a nazi persecutor. You'll either conform to her expectations or get kicked out by the elders at her behest .I think I hear the sound of boots coming for you.